ESD to WIM Converter 1.1

ESD to WIM Converter 1.1 is an updated version of ESD WIM Converter. If you don’t know how ESD WIM Converter works, you should first check this link ESD to WIM Converter. In this new version of ESD to WIM Converter 1.1, some updates are graded to make user’s experience better. The last version has a problem when a user browses the path of .esd or .wim file, he has to careful to make sure there is no space in the selected paths. So now this limitation is removed and the user is free to select the path both for source and destination with having spaces. The last version of ESD WIM Converter had the issue if already the same file exists in the destination path, it doesn’t prompt to the user that already file is exists with the same name extension, and ESD to WIM Converter closed. There was also an issue in ESD WIM Converter that closed automatically when the process starts esd to wim. Now such issues are fixed and made some important changes that will enrich the user’s experience.

ESD WIM Converter 1.1

System management is added in this version to make the fast and reliable conversion from esd to wim. Now a user can select paths source and destination with having spaces. If the wim file with the same name already exists in the folder of the path, it will show the message to the user to choose a different path or delete the existing file to covert the new file on the same path. In this version of ESD to WIM Converter 1.1 when the user will click on “Convert” but it will start the conversion and text of the button will change into “Stop”. When the Stop text will appear on the button, at that time the user can stop the process. It is a good option for the user if he runs the process mistakenly.

System management is imported now in ESD to WIM Converter 1.1 to enhance the conversion level. The background processes are improved to avoid ESD to WIM Converter 1.1 from hang and halting issues. When the process of conversion will complete ESD to WIM Converter 1.1 will show the message “Operation is successfully completed” and when the user cancels the process while converting esd to wim it shows the message “Operation was canceled by user”. The progress bar of conversion will show at the bottom of the application.

Download ESD to WIM Converter 1.1

How ESD to WIM Converter works, follow this link [ESD to WIM Converter]

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