Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts 2023

Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts useful maybe the chrome shortcuts to navigate directly and order between the first and eighth open tab, as well as to open a new the last pages of our history. There are also out of Chrome closing or without closing tabs. Important Google Chrome Features Explained – Google Chrome is a leading web browser among the battle of Web Browsers.

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Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts
Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts

Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts

Google Chrome shortcuts include the time you can expect to save. Knowing the Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts is even more important if we want to gain time because it is perhaps the program that we maintain in our sessions open on the computer.

Download list of shortcuts

Shortcuts windows and tabs

Ctrl + N Open a new window
Ctrl + T Open a new tab
Ctrl + Shift + N Open a new window in incognito mode
Ctrl + O and select a file Open a file on the computer in a Google Chrome window
Press Ctrl and click a link Open link in a new tab in the background and remain in the current tab
Press Ctrl + Shift and click a link Open link in a new tab and switch to that tab
Press Shift and click a link Open a link in a new window
Alt + F4 Close the current window
Ctrl + Shift + T Reopen the last tab you closed; Google Chrome remembers the last ten tabs that have been closed.
Drag a link to the tab Open link in the specified tab to Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts
Drag the link to space between tabs Open link in a new tab in the specified position
Ctrl + Ctrl + 1 – Ctrl + 8 Go to the tab with the specified position number. The number corresponds to the order position of the flange.
Ctrl + 9 Go to the last tab
Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + Page Down Go to the next tab
Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + Page Go to the previous tab
Ctrl + W or Ctrl + F4 Close current tab or pop-up
Alt + Home Open the home page

Shortcuts in the address bar

Writing a search term Perform a search using the default search engine
Write the part between “www.” And “.com” web address and press Ctrl + Enter Add www. and .com at the entrance to the address bar and open the web address
Write a keyword or associated with a search engine URL, press Tab, and then type a search term Perform a search using the search engine associated with the keyword or URL. Google Chrome prompts you to press the Tab if it recognizes the search engine you want to use.
F6 or Ctrl + L or Alt + D Highlight the contents of the address bar
Write a web address and press Alt + Enter Access the web address in another tab

Shortcuts to use Google Chrome features

Ctrl + B Show or hide the bookmarks bar
Ctrl + Shift + B Open Bookmark Manager
Ctrl + H View the History page
Ctrl + J View the Downloads page
Shift + Esc View the Task Manager
Shift + Alt + T Focus on the toolbar. Use the arrow to the right and to the left to scroll through the different areas of the bar.

Shortcuts in web pages

Ctrl + P Print the current page
Ctrl + S Save the current page
F5 Reload the current page
Esc Stop loading the page
Ctrl + F Open the box that allows you to search page
Click the center button or rotate the mouse wheel (only available in English ). Enable automatic scrolling. As you move the mouse, the page automatically scrolls according to the direction of the mouse.
Ctrl + F5 or Shift + F5 Reload the current page, ignoring cached content
Press Alt and click a link Download the content of the link
Ctrl + G or F3 Find the next result of the query entered into the search box on the page
Ctrl + Shift + G or Shift + F3 Find the previous result of the query entered into the search box on the page
Ctrl + U View source – Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts
Drag a link to the bookmarks bar Add the link to your Bookmarks
Ctrl + D Add the current web page to Bookmarks
Ctrl ++ or press Ctrl and scroll the mouse wheel up Enlarge the text size of the page
Ctrl + – or press Ctrl and move the mouse wheel down Reduce the size of text on the page
Ctrl + 0 Restore the normal size text on the page

Text shortcuts for Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts

Highlight content, then press Ctrl + C Copy the contents to the clipboard
Place the cursor in a text field and press Ctrl + V orShift + Insert Paste the current clipboard contents
Place the cursor in a text field and press Ctrl + Shift + V Paste the current contents of the clipboard without formatting
Highlight content in a text field and press Ctrl + X or Shift + Delete Delete the content and copy it to the clipboard

Navigation hotkeys for Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts

Backspace or simultaneously press Alt and the left arrow Go to the previous page in the browsing history to access the tab
Shift + Backspace or simultaneously press Alt and the right arrow Go to the next page in the browsing history to access the tab
Ctrl + K or Ctrl + E Insert a question mark in the address bar ( “?”); write a search term after this sign to search engine the default
Place the cursor in the address bar and then simultaneously press Ctrl and the left arrow Jump to the previous word in the address bar
Place the cursor in the address bar and then simultaneously press the Ctrl and the arrow to the right Jump to the next word in the address bar
Place the cursor in the address bar and then press the keys Ctrl + Backspace Delete the previous word in the address bar
Space bar – Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts Scroll down the webpage
Start – Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts Go to top of page
End – Google Chrome keyboard shortcuts Go to the bottom of the page
Press Shift and move the mouse wheel (only available in English ) Scroll horizontally across the page

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