Opera browser downloads in the global market of web browsers. Opera known for its speed, security, standards support (especially CSS), small size and constant innovation. Opera performance, security and constant innovation are in addition to the common characteristics of all browsers.
Opera browser downloads
Opera known for its speed, security, standards support (especially CSS), small size and constant innovation. Implemented since its first versions tabbed browsing, Speed Dial, mouse movements in navigation, personalize per site, and thumbnail per tab, it has its version for phones and tablets.
Opera is one of the most complete browsers and interesting there because of their characteristics, even it is a great alternative for those using Chrome. These characteristics of which I speak is five and you list them in this post.
1. Management tab : provides multiple options for viewing the web and navigate them . Waterfall, horizontal and vertical are some of them. Vertical Mosaic is one that stands out.
2. Configuration : multiple configuration options set it apart from its peers thanks to its degree of detail. While they are practically the same as in other browsers go a little further as I explained in detail.
3. Set tabs . Reduces the size of favicon and allows you to open many more tabs on the bar and do more comfortable navigation
4. Opera Turbo : reduces the image quality of the sites for faster browsing. The function can be programmed to operate all the time or when the load is slow.
5. Your extensions : although not as many as in Firefox or Chrome are excellent and work perfectly.
Opera also supports phones and tablets, for it has a very interesting option Call Opera Mini (available for Android, Mac systems and systems Windows Movile, which compresses the webs and has only the resources needed for viewing, greatly reducing the time load a web.
- Download Link (Opera for Microsoft Windows)
- Download Link (Opera for Linux / GNU as Ubuntu)
- Download Link (Opera for MAC iOS)